APPSC Syllabus & Scheme for Proficiency Test

The APPSC Proficiency Test is a qualifying test named “proficiency in office automation with the usage of computers and associated software”. This test is held by APPSC for appointment to the posts of Junior Assistants, Assistant-Cum-Typists, Senior Stenographers, Junior Stenographers, U.D. Typists, Typists, L.D. Typists etc. and Assistant Section officers, Senior Stenographer, Junior Stenographer and Typist-cum-Assistants.

The exam duration 30 minutes
Maximum Marks 50 Marks
Minimum qualifying marks 20 – General Category
17.5 Backward Category
The test shall comprise the following five parts
Part # Name of the Question to be answered Marks
Part A Example: Typing a letter/passage/paragraph ( about 100-150 words ) in MS-Word 15 Marks
Part B Example: Preparation of a Table/Graph in MS-Excel 10 Marks
Part C Example: Preparation of Power Point Presentations/Slides (Two) on MS-Power Point 10 Marks
Part D Example: Creation and manipulation of data bases. 10 Marks
Part E Example: Displaying the content of E-mail (Inbox) 5 Marks
Total 50 Marks

Part A – WORD – 15 Marks

1. Create and save a document using MS WORD
a. Deletion of Character, Word, line and block of text
b. Undo and redo process
c. Moving, Copying and renaming
2. Format the Text document
a. Character formatting
b. Paragraph formatting
c. Page formatting
3. Spell check the document
a. Finding and Replacing of text
b. Bookmarks and Searching for a Bookmarks
c. Checking Spelling and Grammar automatically
d. Checking Spelling and Grammar using Dictionary
4. Print the document
a. Print Preview
b. Print Dialog box
5. Mail Merge in Ms-word
a. Create main document and data file for mail merging
b. Merging the files
c. From letters using mail merging
d. Mailing labels using mail merging
6. Table creation in Ms-word
a. Create a table in the document
b. Add row, column to a table
c. Changing column width and row height.
d. Merge, split cells of table.
e. Use formulae in tables.
f. sorting data in a table.
g. formatting a table.
7. Ability to type on Qwerty key board of
Computer at a speed of at least equivalent to 30 Words per 1 minute (Lower type writing test)

Part B – EXCEL – 10 Marks

  1. Create and save a new work book in Excel
  2. Entering Data into Worksheet
  3. Editing data of Worksheet
  4. Formatting the text in the cells
  5. Formatting the numbers in the cells.
  6. Formatting cells.
  7. Copying format of cell along with data format.
  8. Changing the height and width of cells.
  9. Freezing Titles, splitting screen
  10. Enter formulae for calculation in the cells.
  11. Copying the formula over a range of cells.
  12. Inserting built-in functions in to the cells.
  13. Create graphs for the data using Chart Wizard.
  14. Format graphs in Excel.
  15. Printing of worksheet.

Part C – Power Point – 10 Marks

1. Create and save a new presentation using MS Power Point
– layout of opening screen in Power Point
– the tool bars in MS Power Point
2. Choose Auto Layout for a new slide.
3. Insert text and pictures into a blank slide.
4. Insert new slides into the presentation.
5. Apply slide transition effects.
6. Slide show.
7. Set animation to text and pictures in a slide.
8. Set the sounds, order and timing for animation.

Part D – Access – 10 Marks

Creation and manipulation of data bases

Part E – Internet – 5 Marks

  1. Browse the Net using Browser software (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.,).
  2. Search the Web using Search Engines.
  3. Create an E-mail account.
  4. Send and receive E-mail.
  5. E-commerce transactions.
  6. Web content uploading.
  7. Ability to operate Mac OS / pages / key note / Numbers.

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