The focus of the Mission is on infrastructure creation that has a direct link to provision of better services to the citizens.
It ensures that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage connection.
It proposes to increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open and reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities.

500 cities will be covered under the Scheme
- All Cities and Towns with a population of over 1 lakh with notified Municipalities, including Cantonment Boards (Civilian areas),
- All Capital Cities/Towns of States/ UTs, not covered in above,
- All Cities/ Towns classified as Heritage Cities by MoUD under the HRIDAY Scheme,
- Thirteen Cities and Towns on the stem of the main rivers with a population above 75,000 and less than 1 lakh, and
- Ten Cities from hill states, islands and tourist destinations (not more than one from each State).
This scheme is a new avatar of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).
Unlike JNNURM, AMRUT will not appraise individual projects and appraise only State Annual Action plans.
It is a centrally Sponsored Scheme and funds will be allocated to states and Union territories.
The states will transfer funds to Urban Local Bodies within 7 days of transfer by central government and no diversion of funds.
Central assistance will be to the extent of 50% of project cost for cities and towns with a population of up to 10 lakhs and one-third of the project cost for those with a population of above 10 lakhs.
(Note: Some of the inadmissible components under AMRUT are Power, Telecom, Health, Education and Wage employment programme and staff component and Purchase of land for projects or project related works, Staff salaries of both the States/ULBs. The list is not exhaustive.)