A decade has passed since Lakshya Academy was established with a mission that students from Maharashtra should lead the list of successful candidate in the UPSC and MPSC examination and join the administrative services. In 2002, when Lakshya IAS Academy was found, only about 18 to 20 students used to opt for Administrative services. But today, the number has increased substantially due to the stellar role played by Lakshya Academy Mumbai. Lakshya IAS Academy has successfully organized several workshops and seminar for students and presents in various districts of Maharashtra to enlighten them about the UPSC examination with the help of publicity from media and popular Marathi Dailies in Mumbai and Pune Centers.
Plot No. 13/14, Office No. A/15 and 17, Amrita Sadan, Beside Grater Bank, Sector 22, Opp. Nerul Railway Station West, Nerul Navi |
Mumbai, Maharashtra |
Pincode: 400706 |
Mobile : 9892908240 |
Email: [email protected] |
Website: http://www.lakshyaiasacademy.com/ |
Lakshya Academy provides coaching for:
UPSC Civil Services Exam, IFS Exam, IPS Ltd. Competitive Exam