These mottos, serving as succinct expressions of purpose, can offer valuable insights into the organizations’ guiding principles and goals.

This article delves into the mottos of various international organizations, exploring the stories behind them and their significance in the contemporary world order.

List of famous organisations of the world and their “Motto”

World BankWorking for a World Free of Poverty
Amnesty InternationalIt is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)Animus in consulendo liber – A Mind Unfettered in Deliberation
Association of South East Nations (ASEAN)One vision, One Identity, One community
International Chamber of CommerceThe World Business Organization
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)One world, One Internet
World Economic ForumCommitted to improving the state of the world
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)Advancing Chemistry Worldwide
Worldwide Fund for NatureBuilding a future in which people and nature thrive
African UnionA United and Strong Africa
International Olympic CommitteeFaster, Higher, Stronger (Citius, Altius, Fortius)
Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)For the Game, For the World.
World Chess Federation (FIDE)Gens una sumus; “We are one people”
International Hockey Federation (FIH)FairPlay Friendship Forever
International Cricket Council (ICC)Great Sport, Great Spirit
International Basketball Federation (FIBA)We are basketball
Mottos of International Organisations

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