SBM is being implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development in Urban areas and by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation in Rural areas.
- Elimination of open defecation
- Eradication of Manual Scavenging
- Modern and Scientific Municipal Solid Waste Management
- To effect behavioral change regarding healthy sanitation practices
- Generate awareness about sanitation and its linkage with public health
- Capacity Augmentation for ULB’s
- Creating an enabling environment for private sector participation

- Household toilets, including conversion of insanitary latrines into pour-flush latrines;
- Community toilets
- Public toilets
- Solid waste management
- Public Awareness and IEC (Information, Education and Communication
Target – The Mission will be in force till 2nd October 2019.
Funding – States will contribute a minimum of 25% funds towards all components to match 75% Central Share. This will be 10% in the case of North East and special category States